Sunday, 11 December 2011

Newspaper coverage.

The 90th anniversary is reported in the local newspaper.

Sorry for blatant tunnocks tea cake advertising.


Drawing to a close.

After some challenges the team have completed another day of operating. Many thanks to all those that gave us a call. Robbie (SEI) working 15 metres right now.

Our QSL card will be available early next year.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Friday, 9 December 2011

150 mph winds subside.

A significant weather front has moved through causing havoc in Scotland. Fingers crossed for calm weather although snow forecast. We will rebuild station in the morning and be QRV as soon as possible.
de Bob

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Back on air with new radio.

21283.5 MHz

Radio problems.

The big Icom developed a receive fault last night. Today will use SEI's Icom 7000.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Time for 15 Metres.

Robbie (GM0SEI) operating on 21.297MHz. Now joined by Dave (GM6HGF).

Mydel erected.

Mydel up. All aerials erected & Robbie (GM0SEI) on the mic - 28.480MHz with QRM. Finding a clear QRG on 10M difficult?

On air.



The H422 is up & swaying a lot. SEI sorting equipment now & DEQ now on to the Mydel wire trap aerial. Will be on air very soon.

Christmas tree challenge.

Apart from the gale force winds & driving rain a Christmas tree is now another obstacle at 20 feet.

Gale force winds & rain.

Last night was rough with Scotland bearing the brunt of some wild weather. Today will be interesting.

Friday, 2 December 2011

GB2PG Schedule.

GB2PG will be transmitting from the original site this weekend 3/4 Dec & next weekend 10/11 Dec on 10 - 80 Metres mostly SSB with some CW.

An investigation into the 1921 transatlantic tests.

In celebration of the 90th anniversary, the Crocodile Rock Amateur Radio Group (CRAG) can now share two excellent research papers compiled on behalf of CRAG by Morton Research - thanks AJ.

Both papers covering "The Ardrossan Experiment" are a unique insight of Godley's endeavours to span the Atlantic. Both research papers can be downloaded FREE in PDF format from Morton Research - enjoy..

